Creating User/Enabling Accounts

In order to access the Private Property Impound portal a Dispatch Anywhere company admin user will first need to enable an account from Dispatch Anywhere settings which will also create their user profile. 

Note - Dispatch Anywhere users and drivers are automatically synced from Dispatch Anywhere and don't need to be created from the PPI portal. 

Step 1 - Start by logging into Dispatch Anywhere Settings and select Accounts on the left toolbar.

Step 2 - Select the account that you would like to enable. The button to enable is located in the private property impound section under the general tab. This does require a full address to be filled out in the location information section.


Step 3 - Once enabled you can click on Manage Account which will automatically log you into the PPI portal. Anytime you use this option it will give you temporary access to the portal for 60 minutes.

Optional - You can also finish registration in the portal so you can log in directly at the PPI Portal site.

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